Gain Visibility 👀 in Coworking Spaces with Coffee Cups in your image ☕

This growth hack shows you how to create coffee cups that you can leave in coworking spaces to make yourself known “passively”

Gain Visibility 👀 in Coworking Spaces with Coffee Cups in your image ☕

How to do this Growth Hack and what can it do for you?

Using personalized mugs with CTAs is a highly effective growth hack.

Personalize several mugs with a CTA leading to one of your contact pages or other landing pages and place them in the most popular coworking spaces!

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Expected results of this Growth Hack

  • Growth Hack Type: Use custom mugs
  • Expected result: Increased Awareness and Acquisition

Why do this Growth Hack?

Here's the thing: go to any coworking space, shared office, etc., and I guarantee there'll be a bunch of cups in the pantry or kitchenette.

Some will be chipped, promotional, and others will just be bland and ugly.

We are going to change that.

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How do you do this Growth Hack?

Here's what you need to do.

Step into the shared space and leave a bunch of your own personalized mugs with a specific and targeted promotional message.

Make sure your brand clearly indicates that you are located in the same city (or neighborhood) and that the text is original, relevant, and has a clear call to action.

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The cost of creating mugs is not high. See you on Printify where you can make several dozen for around $50.

Sure, that might sound a bit pricey, but think about it for a second, how many cups of coffee do your potential customers drink per day? What is the target of your business? That $50 suddenly seems like a really good investment.

Your targets could be drinking from your cups during a meeting and your brand and service would leave an impression, and if they need your services, it could trigger a demand.

Plus, the reason I like this hack is because nobody steals mugs.

If you are wondering “Ok Stephen, that sounds good, but how do you get into a coworking office?”

Just ask! Ask politely. Ask him affirmatively and gently reinforce the idea that you are just offering things for free.

Chances are the receptionist will place the cups in the kitchen area himself.

Another variation or refinement of this hack could be to add a QR code that would send the prospect to a landing page created for this purpose (with, of course, a high-resolution coffee cup) with a CTA.

This will make it easy to measure the results of this campaign offline.

If you do this growth hack, let me know because I would love to hear that it worked for you!

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photo stephen mesnildrey
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