Find LinkedIn 📧 Emails and Leads 💼 Free of charge without External Tools 🆓

This Growth Hack teaches you how to use Google searches to find and extract LinkedIn emails

Find LinkedIn 📧 Emails and Leads 💼 Free of charge without External Tools 🆓

How to do this Growth Hack and what can it do for you?

This method works better than using LinkedIn itself when it comes to finding leads from LinkedIn.

Expected results of this Growth Hack

  • Growth Hack Type: Uploading your email contacts to Linkedin
  • Expected results: Increase in the number of contacts on Linkedin, increase in the acceptance rate of contacts

Why use this Growth Hack?

LinkedIn, when used properly, is a gold mine.

How do you do this Growth Hack?

Here's how this search engine marketing works: first, type, which will bring up Google's generic (global) landing page. If you really want to target a particular Google region, change the Google domain extension accordingly.

Google international

OK, to continue you have to go to the footer of the Google browser and you will see a “settings” button at the bottom right.

Click on this button, then click on “search settings” and move the cursor to 100 results per page.

résultats recherche

Then you need to go to this URL (called Recruitin), then enter all the required data for the type of people you are looking for and click on “Search on Google”, in order to create what is called a “Google Dork”, a technical term for a “personalized search parameter”.


The generated custom search query will search Google for all indexed LinkedIn profiles that match the keywords.

I am sure you will be surprised by the results.

So it's good to have these connections, but what do you do next? Well, there are really 2 things you can do right now.

You can either connect with them, but doing this one by one is tedious and I explain how to automate that in another snippet on search engine marketing.

The second option you have (besides connecting with them), is, of course, to send an email to these people!

To do this, simply copy the search string generated by Recruitin and paste it into a notebook.

Here is an example from mine:

“Your keywords” “c” OR “Paris” -intitle: “profiles” -inurl: “dir/" OR

Now, to find the emails in the list generated under gmail, add this "@gmail .com” just before -inurl

So the whole chain would look like this:

“Your keywords” “Your keywords” OR “Paris” -intitle: “profiles” "@gmail .com” -inurl: “dir/" OR OR

I practically guarantee that it will generate a lot of emails that you can now add to your automated email service, for which I recommend Mailshake or Lemlist.

You can of course add other email providers by adding the OR command after the text "@gmail “, so for example," @gmail "OR" @yahoo .com” OR "@protonmail .com” or ".com” etc.

Now, you're probably asking yourself, “How do I remove email addresses from the list?”

Well, that's a great question and the answer is this: Google it.”Surf7 Email Extractor“, click on the first link and follow the simple instructions to delete all data except emails.

Now, if the results generated are very slim, I suggest using a chrome extension called “Link Clump” that will open all profiles at the same time. From there, you can quickly connect with them.

It's good to note that there are other solutions out there, but for a free, quick, and dirty hack that takes less than five minutes, you'll be pretty sure to generate a lot of results.

OTHER READINGS: Best YouTube ad blockers for Android, IOS, and Web
photo stephen mesnildrey
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